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Nutrition & lifestyle medicine for women

Us ladies have a different set of health challenges to men thanks to the monthly hormonal roller coaster that we all enjoy. We ride the ups and downs of our female hormones for the majority of our adult life before they eventually slow to an often bumpy halt with the much dreaded, or much awaited (depending on your point of view), menopause.

Phew. A chance to catch our breath at a last? Not likely. This stage in our lives can bring with it a whole new set of complications for us to navigate.

Hormones affect not just when or if we get our periods, have babies, or not, etc… but they regulate our mood, energy, sleep, weight and even our stress levels.

But it’s different for everyone. So there isn’t just one way to tackle our hormones. There’s not one answer; one solution; or one quick fix. Our bodies all function differently, so whilst some lucky women will sail through life, others of us are destined struggle with our health. But if we take the time to investigate all our symptoms, all our niggles, all our aches and pains we can understand how we can go about bringing everything back into balance.

And we can do it all naturally. The food we eat and the nutrients we put into our bodies affects how we function.

Just knowing the right foods to eat can help you put an end to the health struggles you may have been experiencing for years. Sounds easy?? That’s because it is.


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  • Get in touch for nutrition advice that tastes great

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To get your free guide on how to start balancing your hormones to support your mental health today.