
Nutrition & lifestyle medicine for women

Claudine Serfaty-Flowerday


Hi, I’m Claudine

I’m a qualified Nutritional Therapist and Health Coach and I specialise in helping women like you take control your health naturally, through food and lifestyle adjustments, so that you can get on with your busy lives.

I help clients with a diverse range of symptoms, which often have hormones as their underlying cause. When hormones are out of balance they can cause a huge amount of symptoms. The list is almost endless but to give you an idea, the most common would be:

  • Irregular periods

  • Weight gain

  • Digestive issues

  • Headaches

  • Brain fog and fatigue

  • Anxiety and depression

  • Menopausal symptoms

Women often don’t seek help when we should, as we think it’s just something we have to put up. And unfortunately when we do look for support conventional advice can leave us struggling to find an answer.

And that’s not surprising when you consider that even though women make up around 50% of the population the majority of scientific studies are actually based on men and therefore men’s bodies.

The problem with that is that women’s bodies don’t function in the same way. Our bodies break drugs down differently; we’re built differently and we all know that we think differently .….so often a different approach is needed.

How I work

My starting point is to focus on your diet and lifestyle, as what we eat and how we feel affects our health.

Food does more for us than simply supply us with the fuel we need to keep going; it provides our bodies with the building blocks we need to function. Food can even ‘talk’ to our genes - ‘switching on’ the signals that promote good health, but it can also ‘switch on’ those that promote disease. So it’s really important that we understand what we should eat to feel great and what we should avoid.

Healthy food shouldn’t just nourish the body though, it must also be delicious.

At out first appointment we will look at the food you like to eat. I prefer to add foods into your diet rather than take them away (where possible of course), because when you eat the food you like you are more likely to stick to a plan, so that you can make new habits that last a life time.

Now, I am no chef and I’m afraid that I don’t have time to spend hours in the kitchen creating meals, I am a working Mum with all the time pressures that involves, so I am all about making simple, easy changes. And that goes for your lifestyle too.

Nutrition is the basis for long lasting health, but it doesn’t stop there; together we’ll look at what you do to relax, exercise, to have fun. We’ll also look at the environment you live in and your work/life balance. How you sleep. All these things affect your health and well being.

As a Nutritional Therapist I can recommend the right things for you to eat to improve your health and as a Health Coach I can give you the tools to make sure you achieve your health goals.

What is nutritional therapy? Women's nutrition.

What is Nutritional Therapy?

Well, Nutritional therapy is the use of food and supplements to give your body all the building blocks it needs to function properly.

If you think about it there is no other activity you do every day that has more power to change your biology than what you eat. If all calories were the same, it wouldn’t matter what you ate, but unfortunately this isn’t the case. Eating the right food (and just as importantly avoiding problem foods) can be the first step in achieving great health.

It can be hard to know what the right food to eat is. The media praises one thing one day and demonises it another. It’s not easy to work out what is good advice and what is just noise. I can help you navigate the evidence and find out what the right food is for you

Health coaching

Health coaching is a fantastic tool I use to encourage and motivate my clients to follow their health plans. We take small steps towards together that will lead to a creating a sustainable change for you.

We’ll get clear on what your future goals are, understand where you are now and then make a clear plan of how you are going to get there. And we also explore why you may not have been able to make or keep changes in the past, so that we can deal with any issues before they overwhelm you again.

So whether you have just started on your health journey or, you feel like you’ve tried everything and don’t know where to go next, get in touch and let me help you to help you make sure that you feel fantastic again.