Nutrition & lifestyle medicine for women

  • Nutritional Therapy is the use of food, and sometimes supplements, to help return someone to health. I use it alongside health coaching so that I can support, empower and motivate clients to reach their individual health goals.

    I use the Functional Medicine model of health care, which means that I look at what is going on in the whole body to identify the root cause of a problem and address that rather than simply looking at each symptom in isolation. This provides longer lasting and wider ranging benefits to a person’s health.

  • If you would like to support your health naturally then nutritional therapy could certainly be for you.

    The best way to know for sure is to have chat to with me. We can discuss what it is that you need, what you have tried so far and what kind of support you are looking for. Just click on the link at the bottom of the page to arrange a good time to speak.

    Nutritional therapy is no quick fix though. It takes time to correct the body’s imbalances, but the effect is longer lasting.

  • At least one week before your first consultation I will send you a form to complete, that will help me understand your current health issues and what it is that you want to achieve. I will also ask you to complete a food diary over several days so that I can make appropriate tweaks to your diet if needs be.

    We will then review these two forms together during your first appointment, which will take around 60-90 minutes, depending on the complexity of your case.

    Based on this information I will create a bespoke health plan for you which will be emailed to you within in a week of the consultation.

    We will continue to meet every few weeks for 30 minutes or so to monitor your progress and adjust the plan where necessary for between six weeks and three months depending on the package selected.

  • I work with men and women, as well as children and teens to improve their health. Often women come and see us first and then their families follow once they have seen first hand the positive impact that nutritional therapy can have on their health.

  • Nope.

    It helps to be interested in what you feed yourself and others (and I guess you wouldn’t be here if you weren’t), but I provide recipe books to get you started and to give you some inspiration..

  • Most consultations take place online as that gives us the most flexibility with appointment times, but there are some face to face appointments currently available in Brighton and Hove if required.

  • Prices vary according to the programme you choose.

    Book a free call with me to review your current health and I can advise what package is right for your situation.

  • Book a free call now by clicking on the link below and let’s talk about the next steps together.